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Paula's Story

When I met Christina, I had been struggling with severe bloating, stomach aches, fatigue and brain fog for well over ten years. I had been to many doctors, even major hospital systems. Normally the treatment was a course or two of antibiotics, followed by an improvement of symptoms for 10-14 days and then my symptoms would return. After eating anything I would become extremely bloated, tired and uncomfortable. 


After talking with Christina, we discussed my diet, eating routines, my lifestyle and goals for the future. Those goals were to improve my overall health, to be able to eat and enjoy food again without feeling very bloated and extremely fatigued, to decrease my brain fog and try to eliminate that feeling of overall heaviness  in my gut. I often felt like I was carrying around a basketball in my belly. I wanted to be able to wear my clothes again without feeling embarrassed that I looked like I was 5 months pregnant.  


Christina had a wonderful way of zeroing in on my goals, personalizing everything and really listening to what was important to me. She has always given me exceptional nutritional guidance, innovative ideas and recipes and has taught me so much about nutrition. I thought I was somewhat knowledgeable  about nutrition, but when I  talk with her I realize how much I don’t know or understand. She has a wealth of  knowledge and a great way of sharing it. She has given me a multitude of recipes and foods that I can purchase that I never knew about. She has a great talent for listening and pinpointing the issues and then coming up with solutions. 


After years of working with Christina, I couldn’t have imagined that my symptoms would be this much better!  When I met her, my symptoms were present 90 percent of my waking hours. Now, I rarely have a stomach ache, the bloating has decreased from approximately 90 percent to 10 percent, my brain fog has cleared up so much and my energy level has increased tremendously. 


I will continue to work with her because it has and continues to improve the quality of my life. Before I met her, I wondered if I would ever find the answers that I sought. At times I was so discouraged.  Now I know if I have a problem, she either has a solution, a suggestion, or will help to find the answer. 


She has changed my life !

Keri's Story

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. After receiving this news and being very overwhelmed with all of the new tests, medications, and protocols I was now going to have to follow, along with dealing with some residual side effects from the MS (ex: numbness and tingling in my hands and fingers), I began to look for some natural alternatives to help relieve these symptoms. My search led me to Christina!


Christina is compassionate, knowledgeable, and informative. During our first session she listened to my health story in its entirety, asked me questions to get a deeper understanding of what my personal goals for my health were, and then began working with me to develop a plan. I felt heard and understood which was extremely important to me. 


Since meeting with Christina and following the plan we developed together, I have been able to use nutrition (healthy foods, vitamins, exercise) to mitigate my symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have also been able to share everything that I have learned with my family. We have had a fun time working together to find new recipes that incorporate the foods that are best (not just for me) for all of us! Grocery shopping with my daughters has become a fun challenge to see if we can find a new fruit or vegetable to try. This new plan is not just another truly is a new lifestyle and one that is manageable and sustainable. Christina is an invaluable resource and now a companion on my lifelong health journey. Thank you, Christina!

Mary's Story

Christina was the answer to my prayers. Unaware of my food sensitivities, I suffered horrible daily migraines that controlled my life and I desperately wanted a prescription free solution. I spent year after year with doctor appointments searching for something that would permanently resolve the problem. I tried researching on my own for answers and never gave up on a hope to be healed.

It’s been 2 years since my first life changing appointment with Christina. Right from the start, Christina put me in control of my health. The Mediator Release Test (MRT) provided key results and a special diet plan called LEAP. Christina worked with me to properly manage and implement my specific dietary treatment. In the initial phase, I learned about nutrition and the right healthy foods that would agree with my sensitive body. With every appointment came increasing nutritional guidance, additional supporting knowledge, and more care and understanding of my current individual needs.


I was all in: week by week, month by month there was always an encouraging plan to follow. One hundred percent focused on healing my body and regaining my health, I was thrilled as I felt the chronic inflammation in my body reducing. Amazingly, diminished by food changes, my 9-10 migraines per month were completely eliminated! My next focus, with my doctor on board and Christina’s help, was to fully wean off 20 years of PPI for acid reflux. This process to heal and support my system was a complete success and I finally was a much healthier me. Christina’s unending help changed my life and I will forever be grateful.

I look forward to learning and benefiting from Christina’s guidance on additional health goals.  She’s excellent… a superb listener, great communicator, has a wonderful demeanor, is a wealth of knowledge, and is truly a caring person. I’m blessed to have found Christina. Like I said, … she is the answer to my prayers!

Joyce's Story

After 6 months and 6 rounds of antibiotics for various conditions, my gut was a mess. I developed C-diff, and was put on more antibiotics for 4 more months. I lost a considerable amount of weight, and had very low energy.  I didn’t think I would ever feel well. Then a friend of mine told me about Christina.


My first appointment consisted of a very thorough medical history, as well as an in depth description of my symptoms. Although I have no known food allergies or sensitivities, Christina suggested I eliminate all dairy and gluten products. I also started a regime of specific probiotics. Within a couple of months, my digestion improved, my energy increased, and as a bonus, my hair grew faster and thicker, and I’d lost the belly bloat I’ve had for years.


Christina shared healthy recipes and snack ideas with me, so that I wouldn’t get bored eating the same meals every day. I used to think that freedom was getting to eat whatever I wanted. Now I realize that freedom is actually eating clean, to fuel my body and keep me healthy. 

Jen's Story

I honestly don’t know where to begin.  Without meeting Christina, I don’t know where I would be today.


I have suffered from stomach issues for as long as I can remember, and it got to a point where they were unbearable. I was in constant debilitating pain, had been given numerous tests, but was told by doctors for years that there was nothing physically wrong with me. I began researching the things that could be causing my pain, and tried, on my own, to alter my diet to help myself heal, but was unsuccessful. I was frustrated and feeling defeated, when a friend that was working with Christina gave me her contact information.


Making that first call to Christina forever changed how I manage my health.  Speaking with her, hearing her story, and discussing the many natural ways we could tackle my issues, gave me the encouragement I needed to continue my fight to get my health, and, quite honestly, my life back.


We spoke about, and decided to do, MRT food sensitivity testing, and the things we uncovered with those tests were mind blowing. My body is unlike most others, and the things I was eating to try to help were, in many cases, things I was sensitive to. I was inadvertently doing more harm than good. Christina provided me with a plan and the support I needed to reset my system and begin my journey to a healthy me.


Christina is always open to reviewing anything I come across that I believe may benefit me, shares with me what she discovers, and never hesitates to reach out to her group of colleagues to see what clinical experiences they may have had with their own clients, that may also be beneficial to me. Her network of resources is impressive, and her desire to help her clients is, in my opinion, what makes her so special and so well suited to what she does.


Christina has helped me learn how to eat for my body’s needs. I eat more food, weigh less, and am in better shape today, than I have been in decades. I will never be able to repay the friend that gave me Christina’s name and number, and I will be forever grateful to her for all the care and support that she has shown me. I look forward to winning the fight for my good health with my body intact, and know that Christina will be by my side, with her wealth of knowledge and encouragement, every step of the way!

Angela's Story

I was struggling with not feeling well for years. Between the stomach discomfort, digestive problems, headaches, fatigue and low energy, I wanted relief from it all. And with being a new Mom I didn’t have time to not feel my best. I spoke with many nutritionists, however it wasn't until meeting Christina that I began to see results and feel better. We discussed how I may be struggling with symptoms of gut inflammation and together came up with a plan to work on healing.


Christina is not your typical meet, greet, and retreat nutritionist. She frequently checks in on my progress, shares valuable information and resources, and thoroughly explains my options. Christina bases her recommendations on science and has a wealth of knowledge in the field of nutrition and health. Christina has devoted time to advance her knowledge in order to ensure she can meet the needs of all clients. If you're looking to improve your overall health, Christina is the best in her field. I am thankful everyday that our paths crossed. 

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